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Mary MacKillop Childcare North Queensland has welcomed Jo Goodrick as the new Director of Early Childhood Education and Care to the organisation which offers 29 education and care services across early learning centres, kindergartens and outside school hours care services.

Jo has more than 30 years’ experience in all areas of education and care in North Queensland. Jo said “my first role in education and care was straight out of university. I was the Director of the Bowen and District Child Care Centre in 1992.” Jo has held various teaching positions in early childhood, delivering childcare courses, running her own small business before being appointed as an Early Childhood Education Advisor then moving into management.

“I’m looking forward to bringing my passion and advocacy of quality early childhood education and care to MMCNQ” she said. Jo said she was excited to lead the organisation that caters for the youngest of children through to those finishing primary school. She is most excited to work for an organisation that has the opportunity to impact children across these age groups. Jo said “I truly feel that I didn’t choose a career in early childhood, rather I was born to work with children and become an advocate for quality outcomes for children. From a very little girl, all I wanted to do when I grew up was to be a teacher and a mother. I’m blessed to be both.”

Jo brings a strong local knowledge of the communities MMCNQ serve. “I’ve been fortunate to travel and provide support to communities as far north as Port Douglas and Mossman, west to Mt Isa and south to Mackay and Sarina and all in between. “I bring a commitment to Reconciliation and Inclusion, and I look forward to finding out what work is already happening in this space and building on this to truly achieve services that welcome all children and families” she said.

Jo’s priority is to visit and meet staff, children, families and stakeholders in MMCNQ. “Building these relationships will lay the foundation for us all to work together to reach quality outcomes for children, families and communities.”

Mary MacKillop Childcare North Queensland is now accepting enrolments for kindergarten in 2023. For more information visit or call 4726 3299.

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